Friday, November 20, 2009

Pebbles, people and personality

I am much older now, I can feel it.

Think of a pebble at the bottom of a stream. I used to be a pebble who is completely at the stream’s mercy. A certain strong current, a sudden undulation in the stream bed, and I would be uprooted, swept along till I tumble and fall. Then the painful process of taking root again in some place. Sometimes not so painful. Oh who am I kidding, it’s painful all right.

But now again, think of a pebble nestled in a place with a lot of stream bed vegetation! I can choose to move or stay. I can talk to the fellow pebbles in my area. I in fact talk a lot to the fellow pebbles, and we create quite a ruckus. It’s a lot of fun though… the ruckus adds meaning to my life, or should I say, moss to my crevices.

I seem to have discovered the tact and delicacy involved in letting life pass me by when I am a carefree observer, a mere pebble lying alongside a bunch of grass. I have also experienced the delight of letting some currents wash over me, and just, well, being. There is a comfort level, but nothing mundane or boring about it. It’s a comfort awash with all the excitement of moving around! A comfort born out of having cushions around that prevent large chunks of me from being ripped off; out of a certain niche I have dug for myself which allows me to grow and move freely, but which I control of my own volition, without external aid!

Somewhere inside is also the courage that if I allow myself to be swept again, I will be fine. That I am a nice enough pebble, with enough edge to dig myself a niche wherever I go; to make new associations and find my moorings in the strangest of stream beds.
I am 24. High time this happened!


altered egos said...

now something has really gone wrong somewhere... older is a relative term and at 24 the pebble should float around, hit a few rocks as it passes by (so what if it cannot crack them) caress a few others .... settling at the bottom of the tank? well it is not yet time my dear....


Mukta said...

oh my! this one is even better. and so very well written. a lovely piece :)

Unknown said...

Oh yes, my little girl has grown up.Enjoyed reading it; made me think as well. Amma