Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Thunder, lightning and lamp posts

The Gymkhana was bathed in golden twilight; a red gold sunset in the distance, robed in stark contrast with black cloud, visible through an intricate maze of tree canopy from the bridge. Everything about the ground seemed beautiful today; the beauty lent such a mantle to the gymkhana that even the outside traffic noise was effectively soaked up.
Jogging had never been so much fun. Silhouettes of trees, lamp posts, even that horrendous large building that looms above everything else on the horizon, the water tank… all beautiful, passing by in a rhythm punctuated by beating heart and racing pulse, each step falling in tune with the surroundings, to such an extent that my legs seemed to move on their own, with no effort of mine.

The change in colors cannot be described. Trying to put words will be an injustice, but I will still try. Myriad tints of every imaginable shade, from one end of the color palette to another, until all colors ran into each other and caused an explosion of happiness in the blood. As the colors faded slowly, an inky blackness crept in, dissolving each shape into nothingness as the night dropped, gently as a veil on the head of a beautiful bride. The change was so gradual, it almost seemed like the earth was rejoicing, in a bride-like manner, at the night.

Just as the darkness was almost complete, the floodlights on the ground came on! A fine drizzle – drops of black dye on the one hand, and molten silver on the other, swimming around as I cut through the spray. It seemed like an expostulation of a person’s life – a central well lit area around which we run, even though we may be in the dark!

Then came the power cut; simultaneously, the thunderstorm that was building soared in intensity! Running in pitch dark is something else. Shards of lightning almost split the sky into two, taking snapshots of the earth and almost frying it in the process! You could just discern mercurial puddles embedded in coral earth, shimmering and rippling as the light kissed them for a fleeting fraction of time.

Nice conversation with N...
Ploppp! Huge drop of water on nose - back to a rainfall of reality! Mad dash across football field! Splashing on squelchy mud until it seemed like no contact between feet and ground!

Nothing like a storm to leave you totally exhilarated!


Shreekant said...

Hey, you could've taken a snap on your snazzy new phone! ;-)

On the other hand... I just realized that running on such a huge ground in the middle of a brewing thunderstorm : Dangerous.

Anonymous said...

...until all colors ran into each other and caused an explosion of happiness in the blood...

Aaaahhh...I love some of your lines...


joy:) said...

hey sandy...the way u described m almost inspired to join u in the evening jogs!! :)
know what..even before joining iisc, those few days during the interview time, we use to sit at the gymkhana grounds in the evenings, and i use to pray "dear lord please dont deprive me of these evenings here"!!

God answered, and after that i have spent almost all of my mornings and evenings there in the first two years:)till...compre n field work happened..and life changed horrendously!!:(

Mukta said...

hey! love the way you write! the descriptions are awesome. makes it possible for me to imagine everything with colour and sound and feel :)