It has something for everyone - cycling/walking/jogging/skate boarding/wildlife for the outdoorsy; museums and art galleries by the galore for the arty types; the wonderful university and excellent libraries and stuff for the geeky. Sigh! The atmosphere is also so benign and friendly, everyone greets each other and the people in stores and all are so cheerful! I love all that... Plus public transport is very friendly towards what they call 'priority' customers - that would be the elderly, physically challenged, pregnant women and people with babies or pets. Oh pets are allowed
everywhere here!! Nice..
So today I had plans to go to three museums. I got half off everywhere after flaunting my IISc card, hee hee.. There is student concession everywhere! I finally managed only 2, because they were so awesome. The Art Gallery at Alberta is this eccentric (I cant think of a better word) building that has many interesting exhibits.

There was a section which tried to capture Canadian history and how its current identity was shaped by a series of paintings. All of them were landscape paintings of different types - black and white and colour, water and oil; some were so well done they had a 3D illusion to them. This section made me think a lot about the place. For such a young country (many places are as young as 800 years), there is a very strong sense of identity, of belonging. I won't call it pride, because that is just not it. It is like a collective conscience that permeates all Canadians - there is a bunch of stuff that they identify with, which holds them together. Among them is a sense of wonder about their natural wealth. The urban parks here - their signpost is "Park" with a heart symbol next to it - is testimony to that. This gives all people here a very strong civic sense, which is very apparent.
The gallery also had a section on Walt Disney and the creation of the first cartoons. I had read about the process earlier - painting frame by frame, using a special camera to take the pics and processing them rapidly - but to see all of it is somthing else. There is so much detail to be taken care of, my god. I also watched some Bugs Bunny ;). There was also a modern art thing which I quickly glanced through - found it weird and un-evocative (always my reaction to modern art).
Close to the art gallery is the Edmonton City Hall (not the mall, the administrative unit). It is pyramid shaped and again a testimony to the vibrancy of the city; it has activities catering to all age groups. It is built like a gallery around an enormous central space and is just breathtaking. All over the walls - thematically arranged - is information about everyone Edmonton has produced who did anything the city may be proud of, all beautifully presented. It has all mayoral offices' equivalents - but all extremely citizen centered and friendly.
The second museum I went to was Royal Museum of Alberta. Man what a place. They have an amazing natural history and first nations exhibit. The way these exhibits are arranged is very special. Enclosed in a large space; concave backdrop painted over with landscape shots of the place they are depicting; large stuffed animal in the foreground; the concave face ending in the glass casing enclosing the exhibit gives a very nice 3D effect, which is also helped by the brilliant lighting. Very clever illusion that you are standing in its habitat!The information displays in front are intuitive and highly informative. For the wildlife - virtual habitat digital displays; call recordings; faeces in a case (!!); horns of antelopes/claws of raptors in a special varnished display. All this arranged as a trail that takes you through the prairies, then the Rockies, then marshes and badlands. Amazing man. Really. Kids are obviously absolutely fascinated! Especially brilliant was this First Peoples' hunting scene they had re-created, life size, with the habitat illusion. Too good! Unfortunately photos not allowed. They had an awesome insect collection as well. Pinned butterflies and moths; live tarantulas and beetles! Also fossil displays. All immaculately maintained and self explanatory. Brilliant.
To wrap up the day, I semi-walked and semi-bussed this old Edmonton (but still ishtyle) area called OLd Strathcona Drive. Very nice! Each part of this city has its own unique flavor and I just can't get over (or get enough) of it!! Sigh..
But I am feeling quite tired now, I have been walking so much over the last 2 days! So came back early. Have to go finish my conference presentation
hey painted such a vivid picture with your words that i feel...some day, if i happen to land up there, I would surely feel a sense of DEJAVU!!!
continue having a good time:)
Nice Nice !!!
I like :) :)
Hey, but you're missing out all the details of the food you're having!!! Anything special ?? :) :)
All the best for your presentation gal! finished it na?
Looks like you are having an awesome time :) Do tell us about the food though ;)
All the best for your presentation!
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