Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Somebody, Nobody, Anybody = Everybody

Working as a group has its advantages (if you get along with your group mates that is). It’s fun, there is an illusion of shared burdens, and most importantly, if something goes wrong, everyone is in it together!

But there is a flipside.

Say there is something to be done.

Scenario 1: Everybody thinks Somebody will do it but ultimately Nobody does it. But Nobody can question Anybody because it is Everybody’s responsibility!

Scenario 2: There is something that I call a ‘guilt index’ (briefly defined as the hyper state of thinking oh-my-god-I was supposed to do it-but I did not). So the person with the highest ‘guilt index’ (the GI) ends up doing what is to be done. But of course, Everybody takes credit.

Scenario 2.a: The GI again does the job. Delivers the goods. There is a fault in the delivery. Nobody takes the blame.

Auxiliary rules:

1. The more unpleasant the task, the more ambiguous is the division of labour among Everybody. ‘Somebody’ and ‘Nobody’ are very much part of popular parlance.

2. Sub-groups form (say A and B). A and B only talk bad things about each other behind their backs, and only nice things upfront. Somebody said Something about Everybody. But Nobody is ready to accept that they said the Something.
Note: sub-groups are allowed to have a maximum of one person.

3. If there is no hierarchy – undercurrents give the group a structure.
There is parallel, group wise hierarchy. Each ‘lineage’ spends most of its time talking about the other lineages(s). Each lineage refers to its own ‘leader’ as the leader of the whole group.
If there is a pre-ordained hierarchy – the leader is someone Everybody loves (to hate).

4. There is no such thing as optimal group size. With the ‘right’ people, any group can be too large.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Writing on the wall


That’s my baby girl Cleopatra. Its my mom she is looking at, through the grill gate that is the entrance to my home. Mom was going somewhere and cleo got to know after looking at a packed bag.

It’s her eyes that I want you to notice. There is everything in them. I love you so much. Are you really going to leave me? When will you come back? I really want you to come back soon.

I wonder how my mom ever gets herself to go out with such a face at her doorstep!


Ya its hot now, but this is not about the drink Slice!
A slice of life. A slice of time, which seems to be from a parallel universe. It’s the same places that I go to usually. The very same, yet different.

The round was pretty ‘usual’ – isolated IISc, mayhem Malleswaram at its mayhem best, bustling brightly lit BEL road; the constant crowd that makes one feel, all denizens of this city are out on the roads, and not one is inside his li’l domicile!

We started with IISc – appropriately, from the gymkhana! Then to the messes, the back way from behind Rohini to my hostel. Mom came to my room. It took up a different atmosphere, I cant explain it. More stately somehow! It went to a stage higher than just my little room. Everything in IISc became something slightly different. A shade different; but the difference still very perceptible, with a whole lot of meaning weighed into that slight shade. We met Praveen and that opened a whole new aspect of Praveen to my eyes – he was so pleasant, so open and we actually had a nice conversation about education and health and fitness and what not! P.S. he left because he had to go pick Luba, his wife ;)

My own lab, department – all the same yet different. Halle mane for lunch, the room 107 Basil. A cozy cuddle time! We watched a talk on Kambaramayanam (a Tamil version of the Ramayan by a poet called Kamban, which is really good), and had our usual high level (!) Tamil based discussion to complete the picture. It was perfect.
Corner house. Mom is mad about ice-creams but never has them because she dreads hours on the treadmill (by the way she has lost weight and looks like a million bucks!). And Polar Bear and Woodlands to get mom’s shoes.

Going back to my point. Everything was so different. Even going in an auto, which is something so normal, had a little extra meaning. It was like looking at the same sights through my parents’ eyes. It was beautiful, nostalgic, and left me with a feeling that my little world was complete. Now when I tell them lab, gel, PCR, anything, a picture will come up in their mental screen and they will put me in the centre of it. The feeling that they can do that makes me feel awesome! For me, a new memory lane was laid, and these places will throw up a sweet, fleeting instant that makes the place itself go up in my estimate.

A well, a spring of nice memories to dip into whenever the normal tide of time is not sweet enough.


Somehow, I don’t have very strong memories of childhood. I don’t know why. The period till my class 10 seems like a blur, with certain conversations standing out, a certain games period, a march past on a particularly hot day, some class where I was giggling my head off, the guy I had my first crush on. It’s a mess – there is no clear pattern to all the memory. Post 10th memories are much clearer, maybe because I moved around so much. Memories are clustered as place-specific! I think I can safely say most of the memories are happy, with life getting better at each stage; but there was no dissatisfaction at any stage because I never realized things could be better, until they got better! So that was the happy state of mind I was in when I was young. Quite unlike now, when I am much older, more critical, but hey, still happy!

Looking back.
Not over time spanning over your life, but over a relationship.
It is so affected by the state of mind! If you are happy with that person and don’t have any problems, the relationship seems to be like a spot of sunlight on the horizon of life. A happy place where there are smiles all around. But when you start having problems, things you don’t like about that person combined with all the ‘unpleasant’ interactions pile up in something like a dominoes effect! The whole period becomes like a series of sore issues perfectly timed and calculated with the sole purpose of bothering you. Never mind the fact that these events could be random and unconnected; in your mind they form a pattern that very often leads to “join the dots to see why you are angry” kind of an effect. ‘Nice’ things refuse to penetrate this chain, and things get topsy turvy very soon if not dealt with properly.

So, what determines whether these dominoes are dealt with? Many things I guess – but mainly how much you like the person in question. How important he/she is to you. It is very easy to crib about a problem and leave it. It requires slightly more effort to ensconce the problem in sugar and put it away in the deep recesses of the mind. But in this case, watch out for the time when a bunch of these sugar-coated issues get bitten into – the bitterness can put an end to any warm feeling between the two people. It’s dangerous! The toughest but best way to deal with the dominoes is to address the root cause and build up the board again. Patterns will form, stronger and more beautiful than before! And a sense of well being and security for the concerned folks, who will appreciate and cherish that quality of ‘good friendship’ that is so rare and precious. Until the next fight, when the dominoes are flung off the board in one sweep.

Why are relationships always in cycles? But I guess that’s what keeps them exciting!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Contentment, complacency and constantly wanting more

The human mind is one strange entity. There is a constant state of wanting things to be ‘better’. This usually translates into wanting things different from what one has, and the grass pretty much looks greener on the other side! After getting what it wants, what does the mind do? It is not content – oh no! It wants more! More - as in, a different set of things.

I catch myself doing this all the time. Also with relationships. With people I am very secure of, I am a certain way. Enter even a little uncertainty in my mind and I try very hard to make the relationship “better”, and sometimes ruin things in the process. It’s like I don’t want myself to get complacent and end up losing something beautiful. That person is so important to me, I am so scared that my relationship will deteriorate, that I sub-consciously get extra attentive. I wish I could get rid of this tendency, I don’t like it. But I don’t know what to do about it! I can’t ‘get secure’ overnight! Even though I have identified the problem and I ‘technically’ know what to do, something akin to instinct over rides logic and I am a nervous wreck again.

I think its because I had very few friends when I was small. No siblings either! So I never fought (verbally I mean) with too many people. I never had people ‘sticking up for me’. Yes, parents, but I am secure of them anyway! The confidence that I have it me to make friends and sustain them came very late. It took a lot of time for me to be open and frank to people, with the confidence that I am nice enough to be liked anyway. Now I have that confidence with most people – I am sure of how they perceive me, and how important I am to them. But with others, I am wary. If I really like someone and I want to be a friend, well, I overdo it.

I am so happy that things are different now and I have a lot of friends. But I also hope this tendency to overdo does not ruin too many friendships for me!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

PCR woes

This is from a very useful site, with troubleshooting tips for PCR. They have discussed each 'trouble' you can have with possible solutions, stepwise and in detail.

This is like the last option, the last 'resort' kind of thing, and its really funny!

The Bad Karma Hypothesis:

This is basically the "God is punishing you" hypothesis. It sometimes gains a great deal of favor.

i) All rational explanations have been exhausted and yet PCR still is not working for you.
ii) Persistent feelings of guilt (if you are a Catholic, this symptom could be misleading).

Tests and solutions:
i) Try bungee jumping. If you survive, God must not be too hacked-off at you.
ii) Atone for your sins and start over at the top of the flow chart.
iii) If you end up here next time, have someone watch you next time you set up your PCR reactions.

I so identify with this!

Saturday, April 4, 2009


I think it’s obvious to any of you reading this blog that I love black.

Black has a certain dark energy; an energy that speaks of a power within that is waiting to be unleashed. It is interesting in itself, but even more so when contrasted with white. Black can give rise to awe or fear depending on the mental state of the person perceiving the color. One the one hand there is a possibility that anything can happen, because you are shrouded with nothing; on the other hand, there is a “fear of the dark” even in the clearest minds, rising from the fact that all cannot be seen.

There is a tendency to picture things when a color is mentioned. Blue in my mind is the twilight sky; yellow, a sunflower field; white, foam on the sea; and green, moss on a slate-gray rock by a stream in Kalakkad.

What image does black throw up?

In my mind the image has kept changing constantly. My first memories associated with ‘black’ is a dark room with a swirling, even darker center, towards which I am moving with a certain terrible fascination – with pumping heart, pulsing veins et al. I think it was in a recurrent dream!

Then for a while it was the black of a thunderstorm night. The excitement of a lightning streak tearing the skies apart and revealing the world for an instant, leaving it manifold times darker in comparison after that split second. Have you enjoyed a thunderstorm in a wild, open space? I have had it one step more thrilling. My mom and I were flying from Chennai to Madurai once, after my BSc. And our plane flew into a storm. Mom was panicked but I quite enjoyed it, with all the innocence and the awe of a teenager. So it’s about 50 people in a small jet, all quiet and pulsing with pumping adrenaline, watching the skies just outside of the window, not daring to imagine the mayhem on the other side of a few mm of plexiglass!

Lightning beginning at one spot and streaking through the skies at an unbelievable pace, throwing out branches from one high-energy spot after another. It was breathtakingly lovely. The sun was setting, so the horizon was outlined like a ring of fire; with a band of gold-orange hue around it that showed up the black of the thunderclouds in stark contrast. Turbulence was making all of us lurch in our seats. I was holding my arm rest so hard that my hand was slowly losing its feeling. My mind was filled with awe and a respect for the elements and their power!
I could well imagine a Neanderthal looking up at the skies and wondering about the wondrous beauty of his world. Thinking about that moment sometimes makes me feel small and inconsequential; but equally sometimes, full of power and an ethereal joy that I am part of this world, that I am a point in the continuum of time and space that was swirled around me on that one magical night.

Getting back to Black:
A small pond on a starry night, like a black mirror. I throw a stone into it. Plop. Ripples of silver star reflections fan out, splattering the mirror into a thousand drops of glass, each like a distant memory. An owl hoots in the distance, bringing me back to the reality of the warm rock beneath me, the gentle breeze cradling me in its arms, the leaves of a peepal tree nearby making sweet conversation with the babbling stream on the other side.

There are other images, more transient than the ones I have spoken about till now.

A certain black top that was my favorite for a long time. Black can make people feel good, feel attractive; at least I feel very sexy whenever I wear black :) like I can be truly myself and yet do anything!

A freshly tarred highway in the bright noon sun, the white reflectors on it making the air above the road shimmer in a mirage of reality.

Black paint in a balloon, suspended overhead – someone slashes the balloon and out spills ripples of jet black paint, even filling my nostrils with black.

A completely black Harley Davidson T2.

My most recent one is a very handsome Hugh Jackman in a black tux compeering the Oscars.


Thursday, April 2, 2009

No time!

W. H. Davies was an interesting man. As far as I am concerned, he is the reason I started appreciating poetry.

He was born to an iron-moulder; his dad died when he was very young, and his grandparents brought him up. His life was from “delinquent to super-tramp”, as the Wikipedia page on him says. I am not going to summarise that page anymore!

He wrote a lot about nature – which is why I like him so much, I guess. The nicest thing is that his style is so clean, so simple, the meaning is direct and on the face. He has something to say, and he says it, and that’s it. This is the first poem of his that I read. In fact, it’s the first poem I ever read and enjoyed.


What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare?

No time to stand beneath the boughs,
And stare as long as sheep and cows;

No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass;

No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night;

No time to turn at Beauty's glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance;

No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began?

A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What are we so afraid of?

Are we ever completely open, completely spontaneous with anyone?

Even a close friend – there is something that stops you from being brutally honest – point blank is the last option on our lists, all the time… the reasons can be lots. The topmost reason, for me, is that I don’t want to hurt the other person. Does that mean I think the relationship is so fragile that it will crumble at any instant? Not that. Then what?

Think about it… quietly exchange places. How would you like a close friend censuring you? Personally, I don’t like it. My little brain does not register the fact that the person is taking the trouble of telling me something uncomfortable because he/she cares about me and wants the best for me; the immediate reaction is denial - “how can he/she say such a thing, it’s not true”. Then, after minutes/days/weeks (I won’t include longer time spans) of contemplation, you catch yourself doing the something pal was talking about, and you say… hey… the idiot was right.

I guess reacting this way is completely natural, but the thing is, when one is in the denial phase, a lot of words can get loose; words that you never meant to say, but anger just shrouds out reason so impeccably that the ability to think derails. Then you regret it for a long, long time. I hate it when that happens.

So, getting back to where I started (!!)… Spontaneity is a good thing I feel. In fact, it’s the best thing – especially when feelings are concerned. If you feel someone is special, tell them (what if tomorrow never comes, as Ronan Keating would say). If you are going to censure, use measured tones, and take the reaction after putting yourself in that person’s shoes!

And a thing to remember is – “the best way to know if a person is truly yours is to let them go. If they come back to you, they are; if they don’t, they never were”. This ‘truly yours’ thing, I like to interpret it as your , and not in the sense of ‘belonging’ – I don’t think anyone ‘belongs’ to anyone else!

And well… we live but once. During which time we meet thousands of nameless people, a few who you get to know, but even fewer that you cherish. I think it’s a waste if the people special to you don’t know how much they mean to you!
So, I will be spontaneous! Ha!